Do you have any questions? Then feel free to contact us.
We are ready to answer your questions and give you the best possible customer experience.

Our address:
Tasso A/S
Frederiksgade 37
DK-5000 Odense C

Warehouse address
Langegade 20
DK-5000 Odense C

Contact information:
Tel.: +45 99 10 30 50

Company information:

CVR - Domestic - No.: 37 85 15 15
VAT - Export - No.: DK 37 38 46 58
Bank: Danske Bank


Do you have questions? Fill out the form below and we’ll help you find the answers you need.

Meet the team

We are here to help, so please reach out to us.

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Visit the BIRN Group

Six brands, one common purpose: to tap into the potential of cast iron.

PR and media

We are always interested in a good dialogue. So for any media enquiries, images or facts about our company, please contact us.

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