
High employee satisfaction across the BIRN Group

Written by Janis Pilgaard | Apr 4, 2023 10:00:00 PM

The BIRN Group recently completed its first employee satisfaction survey among all employees across the Group’s six companies in Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Italy.

The survey was well-received with a participation rate reaching 94 percent among the Group’s almost 700 employees, while participation in some companies is as high as 100 percent.

The survey results suggest strong employee satisfaction and engagement across all the Group’s companies. On job satisfaction, the survey reaches 75 points on a scale of 100, while loyalty reaches a score of 80 points. Both are above the industry average.

- Our employees are our most important resource, so it means a lot to see that they are thriving. The positive results underline that the initiatives we have launched over the past year are having an impact. This applies, for example, to our increased focus on internal communication, which aims to involve and include our employees in the Group’s development, says Group CEO, Claus Beier.

Based on the responses, the survey has divided the employees into different categories. One-fifth of BIRN Group's employees are described as so-called 'Enthusiasts', which are employees who care about the workplace with all their heart, while almost 60 percent belong to the category 'Core Employees' who thrive in the workplace and with their tasks.

BIRN Group is far from finished investing in its employees. The Group will thus continue to improve satisfaction and security at all its workplaces.

- We have several initiatives in the pipeline and, in connection with the employee satisfaction survey, we have received several good inputs from our employees, which we also need to look at. So even though there is progress to be seen, we have only taken some initial steps, says Claus Beier.

Impressed by progress
The survey was conducted by the Danish analysis agency Ennova, which has offices throughout the Nordic region. Ennova specializes in IT and satisfaction surveys, and helps several companies conduct similar surveys.

Ennova is impressed by the impressive progress at BIRN in Holstebro, where the survey was tested last year and is therefore the only company in the Group with comparable figures:

- The development we see at BIRN in their latest employee satisfaction survey testifies to a targeted and serious effort in the last year to promote job satisfaction among the employees, says Business Psychologist & Leadership Consultant at Ennova, Rasmus Højbæk, and continues:

- The significant increase in all factors that affect job satisfaction indicates that the employees acknowledge the Group’s successful effort, and it is a recognition that BIRN is a good place to work. This is particularly true when we look at the results from an external perspective. The results, we see in this year's survey, call for curiosity about the positive changes and initiatives been made to continue the positive development.